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Giải thích câu tục ngữ ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây


The current web page context is not relevant to your request, so I searched the web for you. Based on the web search results, I can explain the proverb “ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây” as follows: Literally, it means “when eating fruits, remember the ones who planted the trees”. It implies that we should appreciate the efforts of those who cultivated and cared for the fruits that we enjoy. Figuratively, it means “when enjoying a good outcome, remember the ones who contributed to it”. It reminds us to be grateful and acknowledge the help and support of those who assisted us in times of difficulty or hardship. This proverb teaches us a valuable lesson about gratitude and morality. It is similar to another proverb “uống nước nhớ nguồn” which means “when drinking water, remember the source”. Both proverbs encourage us to respect and honor our ancestors, benefactors, teachers, and heroes who have made sacrifices for us and our country.

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